General Glossary
The Castle – a refuge where the King meets with his people, and provides them with help and protection; the Castle appears in various places, wherever people are looking for it
The Enmity – a collective term for the Adversary and his Night Agents
Faithsight – the special vision that comes from looking by faith, instead of looking at tangible appearances
Heartsickness – a malady brought on by sadness, depression, despair, fear, or guilt; can cause weakness, pain, and other symptoms of both heart and body
Heartwounds – painful injuries of the heart caused by traumatic or unhappy experiences
Kingsmen – followers of the King
Light Agents (or Brightwings) – good agents of the King
Night Agents (or Nightwings) – evil agents of the Adversary
Quellberry – a type of berry that offers pain relief, but also causes drowsiness
The Royalty – a collective term for the King, which includes the Father, Prince, and Royal Spirit
Shadecavern – a cave or catacomb where people may end up if they’re struggling with Mindlurkers or doubts; can be difficult to get out of
Soulblood or Heartblood – dark blue liquid that trickles from the heart under great stress, fear, pain, grief, or guilt
Soulchains – shackles that signify some kind of spiritual bondage; only visible and tangible under certain conditions (even the wearer may not be aware of their presence)
Spellbound – a term used to describe people who are under an enchantment of deception, sin, or the Adversary’s supernatural power