peaceful girl at sunrise looking at water

Casting All Your Cares

You tell me to cast

All my burdens on You,

And give them all up to Your hands.

You tell me to lay all fears at Your feet,

And trust that Your heart understands.

It’s not so easy to hear such a thing,

When I’m trying to bear up the weight.

It seems too fearful to cast it all off,

And give You my heart and my fate.

Surely I need to be doing my part,

To struggle and work on my own.

I cannot cast all the weight upon You,

For some things I must do alone.

Surely I have to hold up my own end,

And bear at least part of the load.

Surely I must find my way through this mess,

And keep my own feet on the road.

But gently, You teach me, that it is not I,

Who holds up the weight of the world.

I do not make all the flowers and stars,

Nor stretch out the heavens, unfurled.

I do not conjure the air that I breathe;

I do not make my heart beat.

I do not cause the bright sun to shine down,

Giving the light and the heat.

Nothing I have was made by my own hand.

Nothing around me is mine.

I can do nothing, for I am the branch.

I do not hold up the Vine.

I must admit that I’m helpless, in truth.

I must admit I am dust.

I must lay all of myself at Your feet,

And give You my trembling trust.

You are the Maker of heaven and earth,

You are the King over all.

You are the Savior, the Healer, the Prince,

And You bend to hear when I call.

I can give all of my burdens to You,

Casting them all on Your care.

I can yield all of my fears to Your hand,

Knowing the burden You’ll bear.

You will receive me, and all that I have.

There is no burden too great.

All of my worries can answer to You.

And on You, I’ll humbly wait.

Then You will help me, and strengthen my heart.

Making me strong in Your might.

You will give wisdom, and courage, and peace,

Power and hope for the fight.

You will be with me, with almighty grace,

Giving me power to stand.

And wearing Your yoke, 

I will go in Your strength,

Upheld by Your mighty right hand.


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Casting All Your Cares

You tell me to cast

All my burdens on You,

And give them all up to Your hands.

You tell me to lay all fears at Your feet,

And trust that Your heart understands.

It’s not so easy to hear such a thing,

When I’m trying to bear up the weight.

It seems too fearful to cast it all off,

And give You my heart and my fate.

Surely I need to be doing my part,

To struggle and work on my own.

I cannot cast all the weight upon You,

For some things I must do alone.

Surely I have to hold up my own end,

And bear at least part of the load.

Surely I must find my way through this mess,

And keep my own feet on the road.

But gently, You teach me, that it is not I,

Who holds up the weight of the world.

I do not make all the flowers and stars,

Nor stretch out the heavens, unfurled.

I do not conjure the air that I breathe;

I do not make my heart beat.

I do not cause the bright sun to shine down,

Giving the light and the heat.

Nothing I have was made by my own hand.

Nothing around me is mine.

I can do nothing, for I am the branch.

I do not hold up the Vine.

I must admit that I’m helpless, in truth.

I must admit I am dust.

I must lay all of myself at Your feet,

And give You my trembling trust.

You are the Maker of heaven and earth,

You are the King over all.

You are the Savior, the Healer, the Prince,

And You bend to hear when I call.

I can give all of my burdens to You,

Casting them all on Your care.

I can yield all of my fears to Your hand,

Knowing the burden You’ll bear.

You will receive me, and all that I have.

There is no burden too great.

All of my worries can answer to You.

And on You, I’ll humbly wait.

Then You will help me, and strengthen my heart.

Making me strong in Your might.

You will give wisdom, and courage, and peace,

Power and hope for the fight.

You will be with me, with almighty grace,

Giving me power to stand.

And wearing Your yoke, 

I will go in Your strength,

Upheld by Your mighty right hand.

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