knight knocking on door

The Knight Who Handles Problems

I had a giant problem

Such a tangle, and a mess.

Big, and dark, and ugly

And it scared me, I confess.

I could not defeat it

Even though I surely tried.

It just loomed up bigger

Until I was terrified.

It was feeding off me

And it stuck to me like glue.

Overwhelming me with fear –

And what was I to do?

Yet I knew of Someone

A great Warrior and King.

He had said to call on Him

To help with anything.

But I was scared to call Him

For I did not want to show

Just how big my problem was.

He shouldn’t have to know!

I should handle this myself 

And I could not confess

That I couldn’t conquer it

And get out of this mess.

So I kept on fighting it

Until I felt so weak

I couldn’t lift a finger

And my tongue could hardly speak.

That was when I heard Him knocking

Asking to come in.

Still I didn’t want to show

My weakness or my sin.

He would see my foolishness

My darkness, and my woe.

He would see the ugliness

I didn’t want to show.

But my heart was failing

And I longed to hear His voice.

So, with heavy heart and hand

I slowly made my choice.

There He was, so kindly

Standing right outside my door.

Smiling so sweetly

As He often had before.

Full of shame, I let Him in

And saw within His light

All the tangles of my mess–

A horrid, nasty sight.

Yet He didn’t censure me

But called me to His side.

Calling me to open up

The things I wished to hide.

I felt oh, so vulnerable 

So naked in His sight.

Wretched, poor, and miserable

And blind within His light.

But there He was, so gentle

With His everlasting love

Deeper, dearer, lovelier 

Than I’d been dreaming of.

So I fell into His arms

And opened up my heart.

Letting Him inside of it

To give Him every part.

Though it was not easy

What a healing I could feel!

Pouring out my heart to Him

And finally being real.

When I’d given everything

He smiled down at me.

“Do not fear, my little one.

I came to set you free.”

Then I saw that He was armed 

The Royal Knight so brave. 

He had come with sword in hand

To fight for me, and save.

Turning now to face that thing

The mess of fears and doubts.

He stood up against it

With a weapon and a shout!

He was far more powerful 

Than all that held me down.

He could cast the strong man out

And cut the cords that bound.

As I let Him fight the foe

And fought it with Him, too

I saw that problem turn to dust–

Defeated, through and through.

Then I saw the truth of it

That He, my faithful Friend 

Could handle any problem 

He could conquer, and defend.

He could overcome my faults and failures

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With His grace.

He could give me courage 

In His kind, redeeming face.

Now I know the victory 

Is not in being strong.

Not in hiding weaknesses

Or striving hard and long.

It is in surrender;

In the trusting of my King.

Drawing near to know Him

And to open everything.

Now, when I have problems

I can let my Friend inside

Knowing He can help me

Even with the fears I hide.

Now, when I have problems

I can seek my Royal Knight

For I know He will rescue me

And He can win this fight.

Written 8/6/22

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